Welcome to Yuppie Buy for embroidery, printed items & more
Make Your Items, Your Voice!
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Yuppie Buy

Hello dear,

Hello dear,

Yuppie Buy think that your accessories can be your voice to share lots of positive messages such as love, encouragement, joy, faith... This is the reason why we decided to create yuppie buy to help you express what you feel or what you stand for through your apparels, accessories and much more using hand-embroidery and printed as tools. Therefore, we are working hard to deliver you the best quality. Stop by to find excellent items such as T-shirt, sweatshirt, mugs and much more. Thanks for visiting us. Enjoy your shopping time!
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Payment, Shipping, and Return
We ship to the United States, United States Minor Outlying Islands for now. Each order is packed with love, so please allow 1-3 business days for your order to be processed but mostly it takes 1-7 days for your order to be processed, packed, and shipped. We accept all major credit cards, and Google Pay. Note that all prices on our site are listed in USD.

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